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Manufacturing Software as a Service
solutions for boosting production profitability and cost cutting
Manufacturing Software as a Service
solutions for boosting production profitability and cost cutting
About the product
How it works
Time reduction for the planning and re-planing
Guarantees in-time order execution
Production cost reduction
Uses Cases
Employee demand planning
Changes in incoming orders?
Employee load quick check?
Demand on additional workforce?
Calculate impact on overall productivity in case of shifting the employees.
What if some of your equipment has more that 100% load?
Impact of re-routing of the production process?
Сaculate changes in load of each machine?
Increase overall production load by simulationg different production scenarious.
Equipment load balancing
Issues with delivering new orders in-time?
You want to increase in-time delivery by existing order book?
Simulate different scenarious and take desicion what you have to change in your production planing.
New order in-time delivery
Trusted by
Up to 5 users included
Use your custom production data
Load maschines, processes and personel
Power to process unlimited scenarios
Proficiency to upload orders
Compare production changes online
Try different optimization use cases
Support 24/7
$ 479
Buy now
Up to 5 users included
Use your custom production data
Load maschines, processes and personel
Power to process unlimited scenarios
Proficiency to upload orders
Compare production changes online
Try different optimization use cases
Premium support
Buy now